the flower girl Lisa
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
My wedding
the flower girl Lisa
Thursday, November 5, 2009
the 12th week
Two weeks ago I've been there too, just to make sure the pregnancy test I made at home was right.
I have no idea about pregnancies. I didn't know if I'd get a picture of my baby or something.
I got one.
And it made me cry. Even though my baby isn't looking like a baby yet. I was flat out overwhelmed.
I blame the hormones!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
So many Questions
And I have so many questions. Mostly it's about the pregnancy itself. And the time after my child is born. I talked to my best friend about this and she said:
"You are a babysitter! You're lookin' after kids for years now. You know what to do."
Huh. Never thought about that. I started babysitting when I was 13. I don't wanna sound arrogant or something, but I am a really good babysitter. Kids seem to love me the moment I step into a house. It's a bit weird sometimes.
Anyways, my friend is right. I know how to handle kids. BUT, those kids weren't my own.
This is an important fact for me. Don't get me wrong, I never, NEVER hurt the kids I babysat on purpose, nor did I teach them stupid things. Never! But there is this this thought in my mind that says: Would you do the same with your own child?
I just don't know whether all this experience is enough. I don't know what kind of mom I'll be.
I don't know anything.
I'm scared.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Baby time
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
14.02.1968 - 6.10.2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Are you ready fro *the* new life?
He looked at me, puzzled. "Of course I'm ready", he hissed and put a napkin on his knees. "I already bought a second pillow!"
Anne and I glanced at each other and bursted out laughing. We knew our friend had a very faint idea of how marriage really works and how it would be to share one's life with another person. He only thought about himself, typical for him.
"Fatima is the the calm one in our relationship. I'm more like...the boss. She understands. We agreed on that." Ali exclaimed.
"None of us three is the calm one in our relationships" added Anne. "We're always the bad ones. But that doesn't matter. Things could change you know, Ali...."
"Yeah," I added. "You could already throw away all your CD's , for example. Cause your fiancée will probably think that they're appalling."
"And you should always, at any rate, have a phone, a phone card or a lot of chump change with you so you can call her wherever you are!" said Anne.
"And instead of listening to music while falling asleep, you're gonna hear soft waves or jungle sounds instead" I quipped. "Women need that. I, for example, like the sound of the fan."
"Oooh yeah," said Anne, "I have the waves-cd. And you won't go to an after-work party again. The alternative is: Dinner at home."
I nodded. "And once you're home from work you'll have to ask her if you wanna go out again."
"EXCEPT" chipped Anne in, "when she sends you to the grocery store."
"Except she sends you to the grocery store." I agreed.
"And don't fool yourself with the mail. You'll never have it in your hands first EVER AGAIN." said Anne. "Your mail will always be checked, until the day you die."
"And after your wedding you'll never be as happy at home as you were before. You'll like your office way more." said Anne.
"Exactly," I said, "and if she laughed about your jokes until now, she faked it." I warned him.
"And if you've told a story once, you shouldn't tell it a second or third time," Anna explained, "cause with every repitition she'll hate you a little bit more."
"In two years she won't be bound to have sex with you anymore" I claimed. "But if you're a lucky one, and she still wants to, then you should be very, very thankful."
"And try not to say things like 'Yes, baby, do it...' or 'Give it to me, bitch' " Anna pleaded, "And on't wake her up in the middle of the night just because your....male sex drive is creeping over."
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I'm not "the wife", fucker!
Sexy M is legally still married to his soon-to-be ex-wife, I lovingly call her Slutty-elle. But 6 months ago he filed for divorce (BEFORE he and I got together! I'm not a homewrecker, OK?) and today he finally signed the...hmmmm, how's that called....a divorce contract? Divorce papers? Anyways, he signed them. That's all that matters for me. Now I'm just hoping that Slutty-elle will sign it fast, too.
But that is not what really bothers me. We went to a restaurant for lunch today. It's a really good one ( you know, where you have to behave properly and so on...). The waiter was pretty cold and reserved and I got the feeling as if he'd want to kick
"Have you and your wife already decided?" he asked sexy M. I totally felt left out. I wanted to tell him that I wouldn't mind being looked at AND that I'm not the wife. Since when do you have to be married to go to a good restaurant, huh? HUH?
Ok, maybe I overreacted a little. I blame it on PMS.
Though, in the end the waiter made a really nice compliment (Of course he didn't say it to me directly, that bastard).
"You have a really lovely wife, sir!" he said with a, in my opinion stupid, grin on his face.
Sexy M smiled back and said: "Yeah, isn't it? She's awesome"
This is what bothered me. He didn't correct the waiter, quite the contrary. I mean, I loooooove him, but I'm not sure if people should see me as his wife.
Is it stupid to be scared of that?
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Witchery Tour or how I got the idea of neutering/ castration
Just a little explanation what exactly a Witchery Tour is: You’re led around the Old Town by a deceased tour guide who regales various ghoulish tales. On route you will meet "jumper-ooters" - costumed characters employed to appear at inopportune times in an attempt to surprise you.

"Did you like the tour?" he asked me.
"Yeah...I did. You?" I answered hesitantly.
"Mmmmh-hmmm...yeah, it was pretty cool."
The rest of the ride neither of us said anything. At home sexy M made me a sandwich (oh yes, he does that sometimes. When I ask. But he always asks for a little...hmmm....reward. But I digress now.) and then we went to bed and watched tv. I know, some of you will think: 'What? A tv in the bedroom? Freaks!'. But I just can't sleep when it's all quiet. Deal with it.
Anyways, as we decided to be all classy and watch a documentary on the "Docu-Channel". And guess what the topic was... The topic was: 'Castration- voluntary or a must?' I, too, thought: What the fuck?!?! But it was actually pretty interesting.
They addressed the question, wheter pedophiliacs shoud get castrated as a punishment or not.
I have to admit, that I can't answer this question for myself. I don't have children. I don't know how it must feel for a mother whose child was abused. I think I would feel hate. And I would want this person to pay for what he did. Sexy M agreed, but he also said that it would be quite an inhuman punishment.
Like I already said, I don't know what to think.
What about you? I'd be happy to get some opinions in the comments!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The battle's on....(My arm has a right to live!!!)
Our school is pretty
The first thing we learned was to apply a substance intramuscular. So, we had to exercise in groups of two. The other person who was in my group is, may I say, not really talented. I won't engross further, I only say: IT HURT. He injected the damned needle over 3 times and he did it slowly. Idiot.
Anyways, I thought we were progressive. But @fabmomtofour told me that this was kinda barbaric (she didn't say barbaric but something like that. Just something negative, OK?!) Apparently where she went to school they have some kind of fake-robot-arms and stuff to exercise.
How cool! I wish our school had this too! It would mean waayyyyy less pain!
I couldn't stop thinking about this. So I wrote an email to the dean of the german speaking section of our school, Mrs. Piller. I asked her why WE didn't have those robot thingies since it would be better for us (and our arms and legs and fingers and....ahem.....yeah).
"They're too expensive!" was her answer.
I tried to find information about such robot-arm-thingies but couldn't find anything (if you know a website that contains information, feel free to contact me or leave a comment). Now, therefore I don't know how much such a 'robot' costs and I couldn't bring any arguments to convince Mrs. Piller.
It still bothers me. We have to pay a lot of money to attend this school. What the eff are they doing with it? I mean, they're not paying the teachers since they get their salary from the state. We have to pay the class books ourselves, we pay or own food....ect.
So....where does this money go? Where?
I will find out.
The battle is not over yet.
Friday, August 14, 2009
My bucket list
My bucket list

Monday, August 3, 2009
1. Luxus-Kreuzfahrt. Ich hatte mal Gelegenheit, zwei Tage auf so einem Dampfer der Luxusklasse zu verbringen. Sieht aus wie ein riesiges Hotel, hat aber den Nachteil, dass man nicht auf die Strasse gehen kann. Selbst wenn ihr unter 30 seid, senkt ihr durch eure Anwesenheit den Altersdurchschnitt bestenfalls auf 82. Ihr müsst den lieben langen Tag essen, schliesslich war die Reise teuer genug und soll sich amortisieren. Wenn euch jemand ein Gespräch aufdrängt, ist es schwer, zu entkommen, ausser ihr springt über Bord. Und wenn ihr bei einem Zwischenstopp endlich Land erreicht habt, geht die Fahrt weiter, bevor ihr euch orientiert habt, wo ihr eigentlich seid. Empfehlenswert nur für Fusskranke und Leute, die endlich mal in Ruhe Dieter Bohlens Autobiographie lesen wollen. (Aber wer will das schon?) Genuss-Punkte: 2 von 10
2. Golfclub-Mitgliedschaft. Ich hab Golf noch nie gemocht. Es will mir einfach nicht in den Kopf, dass ein gemütlicher Spaziergang über einen gepflegten Rasen, unterbrochen durch gelegentliches Schwingen eines Schlägers, ernsthaft als Sport zählen soll. Es will mir weiterhin nicht in den Kopf, dass man für dieses Rentner-Vergnügen zehntausende von Franken im Jahr hinblättern muss, nur um nicht mit dem gemeinen Volk in Berührung zu kommen. Ich begreife nicht, wie man Abende lang über Golf reden kann. Und schliesslich finde ich es im höchsten Grade dekadent, dass die exklusiven Golf-Rasenplätze meist da zu finden sind, wo es das wenigste Wasser gibt – auf südlichen Inseln oder in Dritte-Welt-Ländern. Soll ich euch mal verraten wo man GARANTIERT tausendmal mehr Spass hat? Bei einer Partie Minigolf. Kein Witz. Kostet nur 25 .- Fr. für 4 Leute. Ihr spart also 9975.-Fr!
Genuss-Punkte: 1 von 10
3. Designer-Klamotten. Jetzt mal ganz im Ernst: Warum soll ich für ein Kleidungsstück das Zehnfache von dem ausgeben, was nötig ist? Nur, weil hinten im Kragen, übrigens für meine Mitmenschen unlesbar, der Name eines Edel-Labels steht? Bin ich bescheuert? Denn es ist ja nicht mal so, dass die teuren Fetzen besser verarbeitet wären, oh nein, die Knöpfe fallen genauso schnell ab wie bei der Billig-Klamotte, und unmodern sind sie nächstes Jahr auch. Wir kaufen mit einem Designerstück nicht die aussergewöhnliche Qualität, wir kaufen nur die Illusion von Exklusivität, das Gefühl, etwas Besonderes zu haben - und dadurch was Besonderes zu sein. Selbstbewusste und kluge Frauen haben das überhaupt nicht nötig. Die sehen toll aus in preiswerter Kleidung und legen das gesparte Geld für was Sinvolles an (Schuhe?....).
Genuss-Punkte: 3 von 10 (zugegeben: Manchmal ist der Stoff schön)
4. Society-Partys. Ein Volkshochschul-Dia-Vortrag über die Wunder der Serengeti mit anschliessender Diskussion ist unterhaltsamer als ein so genanntes Society-Event, wo tief dekolltierte Damen mit Schlauchboot-Lippen (natürlich sind die echt! Die Lippen erscheinen halt voller wenn man sich die Haare färbt!!!) und zu Geld gekommene Herren mit schütter werdendem Haar ihre Balzrituale vollziehen. Ein gewisses voyeuristisches Vergnügen räume ich ein, falls man das Glück hat, Zeuge von Entgleisungen (Schlägerei, hysterische Krise einer Schauspielerin, kopulierendes Paar auf dem Damenklo) zu werden. Passiert leider selten, und wenn, kriegt man's meistens doch nicht mit.
Genuss-Punkte: 2 von 10 (Essen und Trinken sind umsonst.)
5. Licht der Öffentlichkeit. Ist schon komisch: Erst wollen die Leute alle berühmt werden, und wenn sie's endlich sind, beklagen sie sich, dass sie nicht mehr im Schlafanzug die Zeitung holen können, weil Papparazzi ihre Villa belagern. Aber wehe, das Licht der Öffentlichkeit droht zu verblassen, dann rufen die Promis schnell bei einer Zeitung an und laden die Paparazzi zu sich nach Hause ein. Genuss-Punkte: 1, wenn man drin steht, 10, wenn man nicht drin steht. (Erstrebenswert ist eben nur, was man nicht hat.)
Mein Rat: Geniesst euer Leben und seid froh, dass ihr nicht mit Dieter Bohlen verheiratet seid!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Der nutzlose schwarze BH und das Zwölf-Stufen-Programm zur Volltrunkenheit
Sie waren zehn Minuten vor uns gegangen, um den knappen Kilometer zurück zu Davids Haus zu Fuss zurückzulegen. Sie waren dermassen betrunken, dass sie nicht einmal mehr wussten, wo sie ihr Auto abgestellt hatten. Jetzt waren sie nirgends zu sehen.
Linda hatte vor einem Jahr das Trinken aufgegeben, um ihrem anderen Ich, Otis Campbell, keine Möglichkeit mehr zu bieten, hervorzukommen und sie in der Öffentlichkeit durch extrem peinliche Aktionen lächerlich zu machen. Heute Nacht war Otis rachdurstig zurückgekehrt. Seine Anwesenheit machte sich deutlich bemerkbar, nachdem Linda die ersten fünf Bier getrunken hatte. Schon bevor sie überhaupt einen Fuss in das GoIn gesetzt hatte, hatte sie mit ihren augen gerollt, und sie war bereits ein paar Mal fast umgekippt. Wir sahen, wie sie sich an der Jukebox festhielt, um das Gleichgewicht zu halten, weil sie vor und zurück schwankte und dabei verzweifelt versuchte, ihren Blick auf irgendetwas zu fixieren, während sie gleichzeitig ein paar Münzen in die Jukebox warf, um ihren Lieblingssong zu hören: "Hey Jealousy".
Während sie vor sich hin summte, erklörte sie Michael, dass sie ein magisches Schwangerschaftsfeuerzeug besitzen würde. Wenn es funktionierte und anging, sei sie schwanger. Wenn es nur Funken sprühte, sei sie es nicht. Sie zündete das Feuerzeug und es sprühte nur Funken.
"Mein Freund glaubt, dass er er unfruchtbar ist", lallte sie mit schielenden Augen. "Aber ich habe ihm gesagt: ' Mit Platzpatronen schiessen macht genauso viel Krach, Süsser.' "
Sogar ich schnaubte vor Lachen.
Aber jetzt, um 1:30 Uhr, konnten wir weder Linda noch David finden.
"Wann geben wir die Suche auf und gehen nach Hause, um uns zu Ende zu besaufen?", wollte Michael wissen, weil ihn die ewige Herumfahrerei langsam anödete.
Innerhalb kürzester Zeit hatte ich Michael jedoch davon überzeugt, dass ein betrunkenes Mädchen zwar selten ein hübsches Mädchen sei, dass jedoch der betrunkene Zustand es geradezu herausfordere, es zu fotografieren. Das Warten würde sich auf jeden Fall lohnen.
Es gibt eine bestimmte Reihenfolge von Stufen, die beim Betrinken bewältigt werden müssen, um das Prädikat "Stinkbesoffen" verliehen zu bekommen. Eine chronologische Abfolge von Handlungen, die hundertprozentig garantieren, dass man das volle Spass-Potenzial der Nacht ausnutzt.
Die fröhlich-freche Linda hatte diese Schule mit Auszeichnung (mitsamt Sternchen) abgeschlossen.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
On a mission against bitches
She and I, we're totally different. I'll give you a description, first one of me then of her.
A short description of me:
- I don't care about how rich my friends are. Nor do I care if they're popular or super pretty. These things just don't matter to me.
- I'm a quiet person. I'm not someone who likes to take the lead. As one of my teacher said, I'm a "quiet worker".
- School and education is something I take serious. I do what the teachers say. I listen during class and I do my homework (ok, except for maths :-P ). I rather learn for tests, than cheat.
- I like to go out. But not every night during the weekend. And when I go out, I rarely drink. I'm not against alcohol, I just....I can't drink that much. It's simply not my thing. And I don't smoke. Never did, never will. If people want to smoke - ok. It's their decision, not mine.
A short description of the girl I'm talking about:
- She judges people by their clothes and looks. If someone wears some older clothes which aren't the newest or coolest anymore she makes mean comments behind the persons back. She even badtalks her best friends. She's always wearing "fashionable" things. Though sometimes we all think it looks totally stupid. She think she is a model, but she really isn't. Ooooh no....
- She loves to be the center of attention. If she isn't, she'd do something to get the attention. ALWAYS. No matter what. She speaks loud and she always wants to be the boss.
- She is a cheater. There wasn't one single test, where she didn't cheat. And if someone had a bad mark, she said: "You should've learned more". And when she had a bad mark, she played it down. And during class she rarely listened.
- She goes out every weekend. And she always drinks a lot. I mean, she has the money, since her parents pay for everything. Even for her car. And for her, everyone who doesn't smoke is uncool.
So, you see, she's the complete opposite of me. Don't get me wrong, I accept everyone. If I don't like someone, I ignore the person.
But with this girl it was different. One day, I was eating lunch with my friends, when she came to me and asked if I could help her. The finals were coming and she had huge problems in english grammar. Languages are my thing and I love to learn them. So, that day she asked me if I could explain the english grammar to her. I'm not a bad person (normally) and I said I'd help her.
The next day I had a terrible headache and during the big break I went outside to get a bit of fresh air. I saw this girl sitting in the grass with her friends. She couldn't see me, I was near some trees.
But I could hear her. I told ya she has a loud voice.
"Oh god, yeah" she said, "she is such a geek. She always has good marks. I bet she's learning every single minute at home. But she agreed on helping me. That stupid bitch, haha."
My first intention was, to go over and tell her off. But then I had a better idea. An evil idea, yeah...but a good one. Just once I wanted to be a bad girl.
So, I told two of my friends about what this girl had said. And we decided to make a plan:
- Make her think we want to be her friends and would do anything to be seen with her
- "Help" her with the grammar. Which means; teach hear ridiculous grammar rules.
- Sabotage her in all the other classes too!
Our mission was born: Mission 0007 !!!
We did pretty well. We tried to gain her confidence. We told her every day how increeeeeeedibly good she'd look and asked her several times how we could become as popular. I taught her weird and stupid rules. She was sure she'd make super good marks. I know, that's quite mean. But, I'm super proud of myself.
Anyways, we thought we should give the name 'Mission 0007' kind of a sense. So, during the rest of the year, our goal was to sabotage her 7 times. And that's what we did. We took like, 4 books of hers, 2 stacks of sheets and, in the end we also took her agenda.
We will always be proud of what we have done. I know, I know... it was super childish. But you know what?
Oh...nostalgia...these were fun times.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Anyways, When I was back at home, I remembered that I still had to do some work for school. I must say I've been really lazy this year. I haven't done anything, no learning, no re-reading things, nothing. We only have exams at the end of the year not during the year. Last september when school started I thought: "Wow! No tests during the year! That is so cool!" Now I think: "Damn, I should've learned more. We should've had more tests during the year." I asked myself: Why didn't you learn more? I found the answer. Too soon, though. I am not interested in this stuff.
It's out now. If I would have to point out one thing that I learned this year, something that supports my decision to become a nurse, I wouldn't know what to say. Of course, we had good times. But I realized a while ago that I made the wrong decision. I don't like to take care of elderly people. It's not my thing. AT ALL. Back at the FMS I thought "hey, not all the patients are old!". Well, most of them are. 75%. Too much. I don't want to do this. But it's too late.
It has always been my dream to study languages. I love to learn languages. That is my thing.
Is it too late?
Friday, May 15, 2009
My first blog!
About 2 years ago, it was a very rainy and boring day, I watched a few videos on youtube. Somehow, and I really don't remember how, I ended up watching the vlog of faintstarlite. I was amazed how many people actually follow such vlogs. I wanted people to follow me too. Unfortunately I'm not the kind of person who likes to be in videos. I don't like to hear myself speaking. Then I noticed that faintstarlite had a blog too! Having my own blog, that's something I could do too!
And here I am now, trying to create my very first blog entry.
Ok, now, a few things about myself. I'm a 20 year old girl from Switzerland. I'm studying nursery and midwifery. I have two crazy cats: Minouche and Bubi. Bubi actually thinks she's a dog. But that's not the point here ;-)
I love to read. My favorite authors are Agatha Christie and Laurie Notaro. And I'm hoplessly in love with the Harry Potter books. (Oh, and Spongeboob, but it's quite stupid to mention that here, since Spongebob isn't even a book). I love to surf in the internet and watching TV. I'm a real couch potatoe though.....I should learn...
I hope someone will read my blog. I'm gonna post the URL on twitter though....
I think I'm gonna stop here. My brain is like...empty. I better shut up before I write some stupid shit :-D (I am allowed to say shit, I'm european ---> no censorship here)